Big Data Is Making a Splash in the Insurance Industry –
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Big Data Is Making a Splash in the Insurance Industry –
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A computer science researcher at an Illinois institution is working on algorithms to help computers apply artificial intelligence to figure out what important answers are buried in big data — even though the users may not know what questions to ask.
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A recent conference on ‘big data and insurance’ opened a window into the UK insurance sector’s current thinking on what is likely to be the most influential driver to the direction of insurance over the next five years.
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Window into big data!
Whether naturally occurring or man-made, crises and disasters bring chaos to the people in their path. Learn how governments, nonprofits, and businesses are using big data and analytics to respond in fast, efficient ways.
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What to do in a crisis?
(Image) Barack Obama may have appointed the US Government’s first ever Chief Data Scientist – DJ Patil, formerly of LinkedIn, eBay and Skype – but the administration has been committed to the use of Big Data for some time.
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