When you compare the potential losses a company might actually bear to the cost of plugging holes, the decision is easy
Source: www.cbsnews.com
When you compare the potential losses a company might actually bear to the cost of plugging holes, the decision is easy
Source: www.cbsnews.com
Nearly 80 per cent of all businesses fail their interim PCI compliance assessment, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks, according to Verizon’s 2015 PCI Compliance Report.
Source: business-reporter.co.uk
Margareta Wahlström, the UN Secretary General’s special representative for disaster risk reduction, and Rowan Douglas, Willis CEO for capital, science and
Source: www.insurancejournal.com
Nation-state sponsored cyber espionage attacks are becoming more sophisticated, targeting carefully-defined users with complex, modular tools, and keeping well under the radar of increasingly effective detection systems, Kaspersky Lab experts have…
Source: business-reporter.co.uk
Cyber espionnage attacks
As companies move beyond bleeding-edge experiments into production deployments, these trends point to real-world progress in big data analysis.
Source: www.insurancetech.com
Big data has a big affect on the insurance industry.