Roger Highfield wrote in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A I outlined how biology is too complex to rely on data that have been blindly harvested
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Commentary, opinion.
Roger Highfield wrote in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A I outlined how biology is too complex to rely on data that have been blindly harvested
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Commentary, opinion.
The role of a chief data officer increasingly makes its way into companies across the globe. But even as their ranks grow, CDOs often face resistance from colleagues who may feel threatened by data results.
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This is a critical piece to read.
We must access genetic info from millions of cancer patients to make the connections necessary to battle the disease. It won’t be easy, but we can do it.
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It’s true that big data platforms have been able to solve major medical mysteries and Acme Corp is at the forefront of this revolution.
Becoming a data scientist is desirable for thousands of people across the world, but there is no one guaranteed path to take, we look at how some have done it
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This is great education for IT managers to read.
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