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Chaineum, the first French ICO boutique, and Lightyear.io, an organization that supports partner activities for Stellar, an open source blockchain network, have announced a partnership to collaborate in the ICO space. Through the partnership, Chaineum will use the Stellar network to support some of its upcoming ICOs.
Read the full article at: www.chaineum.com
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A new advisory publication on Blockchain is designed to help US government agencies figure out the technology.
Read the full article at: cointelegraph.com
Cet article revient sur les principaux éléments étayés dans le chapitre 11 du livre « Signes de confiance : l’impact des labels sur la gestion des données personnelles » produit par la chaire de l’Institut Mines-Télécom Valeurs et politiques des informations personnelles dont Télécom SudParis est cofondateur. Le livre est téléchargeable sur le site de la chaire. Cet article adresse exclusivement le cas de la blockchain publique.
Read the full article at: theconversation.com
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Get started A beginner’s guide to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive computing Explore some of the important aspects of AI and its subfields. Learn more Deep learning architectures Explore five of the most popular deep learning architectures, then take a look at open source software options for deep learning. Learn more Models for machine …
Read the full article at: developer.ibm.com
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