Le Real sera le premier club européen à accepter le bitcoin comme moyen de paiement. Décryptage des enjeux sur Ecofoot.fr
Lisez la suite ici: www.ecofoot.fr
Mon titre
Mon insight de 250-300 mots…
Le Real sera le premier club européen à accepter le bitcoin comme moyen de paiement. Décryptage des enjeux sur Ecofoot.fr
Lisez la suite ici: www.ecofoot.fr
Mon insight de 250-300 mots…
Tesla manufacture electric cars and are leading the race to bring self-driving vehicles to reality. Data and artificial intelligence are at the heart of everything they do – and this will count heavily in their favour in the race to bring autonomous cars to the mass market.
Read the full article at: www.forbes.com
My insight here
AS Roma provided its fans with innovative and interactive content thanks to Fastory’s mobile preview story before the team’s match against Chelsea.
Read the full article at: www.sporttechie.com
My comment here…
New QSR10R-AX Chipset Offers Superior Experience Via Vastly Better Performance and Coverage in a Compact Form Factor
Read the full article at: www.embedded-computing.com
Mon insight …
Forklift Maintenance Tips. Forklifts require regular maintenance for optimal performance. Here are 6 tips to keep yours running smoothly!
Read the full article at: www.forkliftselect.com
This article has good tips but I would add a couple more:
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