Why would anyone want to use R and Python in the same software? Have we not seen enough debates on the internet on which language is better.
Read the full article at: www.scoop.it
Why would anyone want to use R and Python in the same software? Have we not seen enough debates on the internet on which language is better.
Read the full article at: www.scoop.it
And 61 percent of global IT security pros think their CEOs don’t know enough about cyber security, a recent survey found. | Protection Données Personnelles – Big Data
Read the full article at: www.scoop.it
This looks awesome!
Marketing leaders, analysts and industry commentators share their insights into what 2016 holds for big data and predictive analytics. | Technologies numériques
Read the full article at: www.scoop.it
This is a great article, can’t wait to share it!
The spread of self-service data analytics, along with widespread adoption of the cloud and Hadoop, are leading to many changes that are creating change and excitement in the industry, which businesses will either take advantage of or ignore at their peril.
Read the full article at: www.information-age.com
This article is very important, I’d love to share it with my team!
Last week, IBM and the Spark Technology Center (STC) launched the first-of-its-kind data science immersive experience, Datapalooza.
Read the full article at: www.ibmbigdatahub.com
Why should you have a big data hub?